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Deck the Halls

Christmas time brings traditions. Decorating the tree, cookies, putting up stockings, wrapping presents- so many traditions! Hopefully it is also filled with laughter and joy too. But let's get back to traditions. I think traditions are so very special.

Who starts traditions? Anyone! I could and would start traditions anytime. (birthdays are my specialty :) Most often though traditions that we think about are the ones that grandparents start. Maybe it is just as simple as having a special food at Christmas dinner or more elaborate like hand delivering a Christmas letter across the state (Christmas Inheritance anyone?.. gotta love cheesy Christmas movies!).

I know someone who has the tradition that they go to midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Before Mass though they put up the Christmas tree. This tradition is special to her because it keeps the holiday true to its meaning- the Birth of Jesus. The tradition evolved because the excitement of Christmas morning kept them from falling asleep so instead these wide awake ones go to Mass! She says about this tradition, "It feels like you are the first person to tell baby Jesus Happy Birthday". (my heart)

Another Christmas tradition that someone has: "We go to Mass at 10pm and then return home to open up their Christmas jammies". She still wakes up early despite being now being a college student, but she loves waking up and just looking at the presents with her siblings before Mom gets up and makes breakfast and puts the ham in the oven. This tradition came from her dad's family. The history of the tradition is what makes it extra special.

My family goes to Mass in the evening around 6pm. We would come home and eat appetizers. Our mini Christmas Eve party always includes cheese, smoked sausagei, crackers, cheese dip, mint brownies, and little smokies. The food is important. Many of our other traditions have changed through the years, but this tradition still happens. Now, my sister and her toddler can't stay around as late but they still come over to open our secret sibling presents and munch on cheese and crackers. I love this tradition. It is truly my favorite day of the year. It brings my family together at least for a little bit to laugh and reminisce on past Christmas's. My cousins often come over- our house is full of people, laughter, warm food, and cozy blankets.

Traditions are beautiful. They tell you something about the family and what they hold close to their hearts.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

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