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Lying. Cheating. Dishonest. Unfair. Infidelity. Treason. Affairs.

The naughty words of marriage or really any relationship. One bad decision can ruin a lifetime of good decisions. One decision can take away all the trust your partner had for you. It often doesn't just stop at one. Can you forgive a bad decision? Or is one bad decision going to end a relationship?

I think it depends. And if it is forgivable it takes time. And grace. Much grace.

When considering reconciliation there are some things to consider. The article in the book by Douglass Kelley says there are three things to consider with reconciliation. First, the transgression must be recognized and acknowledged. Secondly, undeserved mercy. Thirdly, shift from negative to positive psychological states.

It must be recognized and acknowledged. The act must be clearly known between the two parties so that both parties know what needs forgiven. Giving only partial information or ignoring the problems is not going to help the process. Starting with this consideration will take honesty, vulnerability: two traits that should be present in a relationship regardless.

Undeserved mercy. Ooohhh this is deep. Do they deserve your forgiveness? Do they even actually want to do better? Some people fail over and over- maybe it is time to stop giving them another chance.

Negative to positive states. It is easy to mourn and mourn and hate and hate. Stop. Pick yourself up and see the good things. See what caused you to fall in love in the first place. Remember the good things or learn the good things the partner has. Don't wallow forever or else you'll never be in the position to move on and forgive.

These are excellent considerations, but I caution you that sometimes forgiveness will happen but reuniting is not necessary or can be more harmful. Tread carefully and seek guidance from outsiders whom you trust. You aren't in this alone.

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