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The Importance of Prayer

You aren't in this alone and you never should be. This wold is confusing, conflicted, and complicated. But it is also a world that was created by a loving Father who created it out of love for you.

I hate being alone. It scares me. Isn't it comforting to know that there is someone you is there for you always?

Where does prayer fit into a relationship?

Everywhere. It can guide the dating discernment process. It can be in the engagement time- planning the wedding, growing closer together and finally in the marriage. Prayer can help the couple get through fights, disagreements, children, deaths, and more. I don't know what you can fall back onto without prayer.

People are temporary. They are not here forever. Counselors are expensive and they too are not permanent. God, though is eternal. He's everywhere. He doesn't charge to talk with him and his advice can be trusted. His plans are not mistakes or imperfect. He is the prime example of what perfect is. A perfect listener, a perfect giver and a perfect counselor.

Prayer can be the difference in troubled families. Prayer can bring people together and can result in miracles. Make prayer a bigger part of your family and see the difference. Be patient and ready since the answer may not be exactly what you were expecting.

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