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Who's watching you?

Hmm. Have I bored ya yet? Today we are discussing ghosts. Specifically, our loved ones who have left this physical earth... or have they???? spookyyyy, at least I think so.

We have all lost someone close to us. A parent, grandparent, sibling, child, aunt, teacher, neighbor, pet.... No matter how close or distant they were from you it can be difficult to lose a person. I personally have lost a grandfather, several teachers, and even a student. None were super close to me, but they had an impact in my life and loosing them had me re-evaulate my life a bit.

Have you ever felt that someone who died is not living as a ghost in your life? Maybe you have brief hallucinations of the face of a lost parent or hear a door shut unexpectedly. Eeekkk I'm getting kinda creeped out now! But I will be honest, I don't really believe in ghosts of humans.

I don't know. It is just hard for me to grasp the concept of a dead person still like being here in a way? I believe in miracles and I believe everything happens for a reason but... yeah.

Yet, for some people I guess this happens. You live with your husband's dead wife. Just imagine. Yeah. Not just like a dream, but like it happens. So much for a new life lady! You know have your husband's first love following you around, watching your every move. What a nightmare! But what a blessing it could be for the children or the husband to have a memory there.

Memories. That's what i wanted to discuss in the beginning. How do you remember loved ones who have died? Do you keep some of their things out like pictures or favorite book? Do you talk about them all the time? What is a healthy way to grieve and what ways are just too much?

I think nothing is wrong with talking about a dead person. It is good to discuss the good things, the funny memories, and the memories that make you tear and miss them soo deeply. They have a legacy and though they want you to move on and be happy, they also don't want you to forget them.

If that means they are a ghost in your house following you than so be it. But I think I'll stick to my pictures and remembered moments.

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