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It's A Date

I’ll admit right away that I am no expert on dating. I have absolutely no experience. But I still have morals and ideas about dating. I have friends and family members who teach me about dating and I have heard many talks.

So enough about my “experience”. What is dating? Dating is an opportunity to get to know another person. It can be a simple dinner with a friend. It is not necessarily exclusive until it is mutually decided to be a couple. A- as in one- date is just taking time to intentionally spend time with another. Yes, it is to learn about the other with the intention of moving into an exclusive relationship. But it is not necessarily, an exclusive relationship in the beginning. Dates like this I realize are uncommon. Call my views old-fashioned, traditional, out-of-date (sorry for the pun J), but I think it is the way to find a lasting relationship. So dates like this should be frequent. A man should not be afraid to ask a woman on a date.

The problem comes usually from women. When a man asks us out we immediately jump to oh he’s into me, we are going to be the cutest couple, have four children, etc. However, this is premature. How are you to learn about each other and see if an exclusive dating relationship is fitting?

When did dating become focused on hook-ups, use of women, and unintentional? Dating is serious and should be taken with caution and intentionality. The dating scene is no longer about willing the best for each other, something called LOVE. Love is a choice, a decision. Instead dating is about sex, money, social status, job and so more. Are those things bad? No, but it is how we go about it that changes it from good to bad. If we focus more on the wealth of another rather than love then it is no longer about the good of the other. Sacrificing for the good of the other is what differentness from a relationship to a lasting, true marriage.

Our culture today doesn’t support long marriages. Marriages that last a lifetime are not simple. They involve fights, sickness, financial troubles, communication, sex, happiness, and sacrifice. If the good of the other is always the center of the relationship, than it will work out. But it all starts in the beginning with dating.

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