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Who's body is it judge?

One of the things that angers me the most is when I see or hear of a parent telling her child that she is chubby/overweight/fluffy. Why does a mother have this ideal that her child needs to be? How will this single comment or multiple comments affect the child in the future?

A parent’s role is to be the first teacher of his/her offspring. Children pick up on everything. Actions and words are repeated by a child when seen by a parent. Thus, when a parent puts a child on a diet or makes a comment about weight, the child is taught that this is fine. The child may start making comments to others, have low self-esteem, and diet throughout life.

Future dietitian’s rant this may be, but the diet culture is out of control. To fix this issue, we have to teach the future generations to love their bodies – whatever size- and be confident in who they are. Moms who diet their whole life show their daughters that this is life. The ideal woman is one who is thin and in order to be thin you must diet. A mother may not consciously or intentionally teaching a child this, but the actions speak louder than words. Watching her mother count calories, talk about not being able to eat certain food, and wishing she was had smaller thighs, could hide the stomach flap, etc. a daughter wants to be just like her mother and loves to mimic her. As she grows older she may receive pressure in the media and friends to be a different size, thus she does not need this from her mother as well.

How does this relate to the family structure? It shows how children follow their parents. Parents have a crucial role to raise their children. Realizing, how even the little things a parent does affects a child affects family life.

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