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Dinner Time

Growing up, my family almost always ate together siting at the table. Though it often consisted of one of my four siblings or I complaining about the food or picking fights with each other we were still together. We talked about our days, planned upcoming trips, or just pouted. My mom tried her hardest to please all of us and to give us a delicious, nutritious meal- even if it was leftovers. I remember when my dad worked late we would have to call him to decide whether we should start dinner or just wait.

When my dad started traveling our family dinners became fewer and farther in between. My older siblings had more activities and we were never home at the same time. Now when family dinners do occur they are a big occasion. Coordinating a time and a meal takes effort, but it is worth it.

More and more families are like this. Family dinners are not as common. They don’t have to be like the 1950s with a huge ordeal- they can be take out- as long as the family is together. Instead, kids eat alone or in front of the TV. Not taking 20 minutes to sit down and eat as a family makes such a difference in the children as they grown up.

Is there a correlation between family problems, obesity, children acting out and lack thereof family meals? There are so many benefits of eating together. Eating as a family bonds the family, teaches the parents to trust their children and gives the family time to be together.

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